Deputy Head
Seversk Technological Institute of the National Research Nuclear University
Mikhail Noskov is deputy head of Seversk Technological Institute of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI on scientific work and international contacts. Education– 1988, Specialist (Phys, Tomsk State University), 1988 - Candidate of Science (Phys. and Math.), 2004 - Doctor of Science (Phys. and Math.). Research interests are information systems, mathematical modelling, physical-chemical fluid dynamics, uranium mining, in-situ leaching, geoecology. Author of over 500 published works. Noskov Mikhail is the scientific leader of the work on the integrated software package development for the intelligent managing technology of the uranium deposits development by the ISL method.
Intellectual management technology of uranium mining by the ISL method.
The report is devoted to the intellectual technology for managing of the in situ leaching process and its application for increasing the uranium mining efficiency. The intellectual technology is based on a comprehensive analysis of geological and geotechnological data at all stages of the enterprise's life cycle, multivariate geological, geotechnological, technical-economic modeling of the operating procedures, application of intelligent expert systems for decision support