Deputy General Director for Design, Survey, Research and Development
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, an acknowledged expert in heap leaching and in situ leaching of nonferrous and precious metals, an expert of State Reserves Committee under the Russian Federation Ministry of Natural Resources. Previously worked in Auriant-Mining, ARMZ Uranium Holding Co., Ural Mining and Metallurgical Co. and Ural Geotechnological Co. He is one of the authors of innovative mining projects of the recent history: in situ leaching of ore and platinoid from the saprolites and alluvial deposits, in situ leaching of nickel from iron silicates, in situ leaching of cuprum from flooded mines, complex processing of technogenic ores in waste dumps and tailings dumps.
Heap leaching of the tailings of the Baleyskaya ZIF - the starting project of the Great Balei development.
All three Russdragmet deposits in the Baleyskaya region, being actually technogenic, are characterized by the most difficult conditions for development in many factors. The development of the Taseevskoye deposit is associated with multiple risks of instability of a flooded mountain range, affected by mountain open and underground works. Ores of the Golgotha Wed require the search for optimal solutions from the seizure of low-power veins with the inevitable dilution and complex processing of ores. Processing of rather poor (c.1.08g / t) and persistent (cyanibbean 50-55%) tailings of the Baley Mill №1 on complex technology: flotation with cyanidation of tailings, despite the possibility of extracting 70-75% of gold, does not withstand economic loads. The most weighty economy is the need to move the tailings of processing to significant distances. All this set of problems allows to solve heap leaching with economically acceptable economic efficiency. The necessary laboratory and pilot-industrial studies were carried out, original solutions for organization of the leaching process from non-traditional (superfine) for HF material were found, the development project is at the final stage of necessary examinations. The company is scheduled to start in 2019. The project is intended to become the locomotive of the entire business at the Baleysky gold ore complex, as it solves common problems for other fields.